Wednesday, September 21, 2016

"How To Flash Stock ROM Huawei Y520-U22 Y5"

"How To Flash Stock ROM Huawei Y520-U22 Y5" - Assalamualaikum friend of techno now we want to show how Flashing Stock ROM Huawei Y520-U22 are probably now you are looking for looking for and can not perform flashing, there are actually two ways to do Flash Huawei Y520-U22 the First Flash Huawei Y520-U022 without PC and the second Flash Huawei Y520-U22 using PC.

Flash Huawei Y520-U22 Without a PC can be done but is rarely successful, if it does not succeed then you must do it manually, or in other words do Flash Huawei Y520-U22 using a PC, so there is a route that is quite complicated if you do not understand or are not listening to the explanation of we.
Well this time we will try Flashing Huawei Y520-U22 without PCTools and materials Flash Huawei Y520-U22

"How To Flash Stock ROM Huawei Y520-U22 Y5"
"How To Flash Stock ROM Huawei Y520-U22 Y5"

Firmware Huawei Y520-U22

How Flash Huawei Y520-U22 Without a PC

Flashing this package is quite easy. 
  1. Make sure you have backed up all your important data. All files, messages, pictures, video, contacts etc. 
  2. Take the .zip file. 
  3. Extract on your Desktop. Dload Copy the folder to the root directory of your SD card. 
  4. Turn off your Huawei. (Make sure your battery has enough power. Fill if necessary.) Insert a memory card. 
  5. Press both the Volume (VOL UP and DOWN) and then the power button until the software upgrade progress bar is displayed. Then you can release all the keys.
  6. Wait until the progress bar is complete and restart the phone.
  7. Check the firmware version in Settings> About phone number / build.
So, this is a simple tutorial on How to flash rom Stock Huawei Ascend Y520 - U22. If it does not mean you should do so using a PC how can you search on Google mbah or you can also find our blog if no thanks.

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